Thursday, 2 July 2009

Mesothelioma Cancer May Have Potential Early Warning Signs

The study focused on bio markers of mesothelioma cancer and found that bio markers often form before mesothelioma cancer symptoms appear, which may offer early warnings and potentially a successful treatment for mesothelioma cancer patients, according to the study which was published in a June issue of Mutation Research.

Studying Biomarkers to Help Mesothelioma Treatment

Biomarkers are a type of "biochemically expressed substance" similar to a protein, according to a news report on the study. An effort is being collaborated on by the International Cancer Biomarker Consortium (ICBC) to better address biomarkers as indicators of cancer types such as mesothelioma.

This effort is on the level of the Human Genome Project, according to officials from the ICBC, and biomarkers are being studied worldwide. The Polytechnic study followed 119 individuals who had been previously exposed to asbestos; of these individuals, all exhibited increased numbers of biomarkers compared to individuals who were not exposed to asbestos.

What is Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma is a type of lung cancer that can develop after an individual is exposed to asbestos fibers or asbestos dust. After an individual is exposed to asbestos fibers, they may begin to develop cancerous cells on the interior lining of the lung. The cancer is often described as one of the only preventable forms of cancer especially since individuals are still being exposed to asbestos in America through improper cleanup and disposal methods. Currently, asbestos is found in insulation in homes, apartment buildings, hospitals, offices and schools.

Unfortunately, individuals continue to be exposed to asbestos fibers because of its existence in many products implemented throughout the country, and because it is too costly to remove all asbestos by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), many remain at risk. Additionally, because mesothelioma cancer usually remains dormant for years, it becomes increasingly difficult to diagnose and to successfully treat.

Finding Help for Asbestos Related Conditions Like Mesothelioma

It is important that individuals who may have been exposed to asbestos to contact a medical professional immediately to assess and potentially diagnose their condition. The sooner mesothelioma cancer can be diagnosed the more successful an outcome will be.

In addition to contacting a medical professional it may also be important to contact an experienced mesothelioma attorney to learn about developing a mesothelioma lawsuit, which may result in receiving monetary compensation to pay for expensive mesothelioma medical bills.

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