Monday, 20 July 2009

Dr. Mike Wise-about mesothelioma

Dr. Mike Wise

Dr. Mike Wise, a scientist who has contracted mesothelioma, was critical of the haphazard medical treatment received by sufferers in many parts of the country. A delay in being properly diagnosed can prevent early treatment which, as Dr. Wise has discovered, can significantly improve the quality of life. Based on his experience in Hull, Dr. Wise recommended that other regions adopt a similar approach in which chest specialists, oncologists, radiotherapists and surgeons work together. In addition, the availability of alternative therapies such as meditation and positive imaging can prove beneficial to mesothelioma patients. Dr. Wise explained the pivotal role played by specialist nurses in Hull; by acting as the interface between team members, the nurses ensure the system works smoothly. Dr. Wise, whose professional expertise lies in complex engineering systems, proposed that a team of ten specialists including mathematicians, physicists and medical personnel be convened to address UK research needs.

In the talk: Asbestos: The View from Westminster, Dr. Kit Harling, a consultant occupational physician representing the Department of Health, agreed that UK medical treatment for asbestos-related diseases is "not good".

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